The reason and significance of being vegetarian

 The reason:

The motivation for vegetarianism varies from person to person. It may be based on religious beliefs, health considerations, economic factors, or the concept of eco-environmental protection. Different motivations make vegetarians choose different ways of vegetarianism.

Some people become vegetarian because of environmental factors such as infectious diseases, moral factors, animal protection, health, weight loss, or other personal reasons.


Vegetarian food is in India, because in India, dairy cows can be raised to provide protein, and cows can plow the land. In the Ganges Plain, it is impossible to farm without cows. Feeding grain to cows and then slaughtering them for food wastes 75% of the calories. And protein, so Indians do not want to eat cows and can only eat buffalo, but only in rare cases.


According to United Nations reports and scientific evidence, in terms of global warming, methane is 23 times more harmful than carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide is about 300 times more harmful than carbon dioxide. Livestock are the primary cause of methane production, and nitrous oxide is also a by-product produced by livestock. Eating meat requires raising many domestic animals, and domestic animals emit methane. For example, a cow can produce up to 60 liters of methane a day. About 25% of the methane in the atmosphere is emitted by livestock raised in animal husbandry. Controlling the main source of methane can regulate the climate, prevent floods, and is also the best way to deal with soil loss. The forest constantly circulates and purifies water, and many plants and animals use it as their home. Tropical rain forests are the most precious natural resources in the world. There are 80% of the world's terrestrial plants, and a quarter of the raw materials in medicinal materials come from this, and they also supply a large proportion of oxygen to the earth. The continuous destruction of tropical rain forests has displaced the animals and plants living here. Almost a hundred species of organisms disappear from the natural world every year.

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