Use soy protein isolate for cooking

Abstract: Isolated soy protein powder comes directly from soybeans. Manufacturers separate the protein from the bean to create the powder, resulting in an end product approximately 95 percent protein with only small amounts of carbohydrates and fats. The powder comes plain or with added flavors, such as chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Learning to cook with isolated soy protein powder can give your diet a healthful boost of plant-based protein. 

Keywords: soy protein isolate, vegetable protein, dairy products, cooking 

Related products for this article: soy protein isolate 

Isolated soy Protein Tips

Many people see that big container of isolated soy protein powder as one thing: a base for a protein drink. It is certainly true that blending protein powder with ice, milk, fruit, yogurt, or any combination of those ingredients makes a healthy, satisfying beverage. But protein powder is far more versatile than you may think. Below are a few ideas for cooking with isolated soy protein powder to get you started.



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