Increasing plant protein intake can improve muscle health in Chinese elderly population

 Although overall protein intake recommendations are insufficient to counteract muscle loss, protein intake from plant-based sources may help improve muscle health in China's elderly population, researchers say.

Since most of the existing data on the relationship between dietary protein intake and muscle mass come from Western countries, researchers in China conducted a cross-sectional study to investigate how different amounts and sources of protein intake affect aging Chinese Human muscle mass. The article titled "Association of Dietary Protein Intake with Muscle Mass in Elderly Chinese: A Cross-Sectional Study" was published in Nutrients recently.

The study analyzed data based on the 2018 China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), which included 4,826 participants aged 60 and over from 15 provinces.

Protein intake data were assessed using three days (two weekdays and one weekend) of 24-h dietary recall obtained through face-to-face interviews with participants.

Their limb skeletal muscle mass (the sum of muscle mass in all limbs) was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis, a method of measuring body composition based on the rate at which electrical current passes through the body.

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