Soy protein isolate: reviews, composition, application

Soy protein isolate is a dietary supplement for daily diets requiring variety or protein supplements.

Due to the fact that soy is a relative of the leguminous family - peas, beans, peanuts, chickpeas, the protein value of these tasteless fruits is just as high. Especially soy is rich in protein, vitamins, flavonoids and minerals. Together with other vegetables, when cooked, soybean is saturated with an overall taste and gives the dish nutritional value.

Soybean cultivation

China is considered the historical homeland of soybeans, where it has been grown since the 11th century BC. For a long time, the leguminous plant was almost the only product of Chinese peasants. Until now, soybeans are used to make the main dishes known from Japanese restaurants - sour soy soup - misso, smellless tofu cheese and fragrant soy sauce. Not a single meal in East Asian countries is complete without these dishes.

Until the 18th century in Europe, soybeans were only studied, demonstrated at exhibitions, used as the most valuable top dressing, mixed with grain feed, for poultry. In Russia, soybeans under the name "oil peas" were imported by plant breeders at the end of the 19th century. Its useful and nutritious properties were presented to the general public, and soy began to spread from the Podolsk province throughout Russia. The cultivation of the Asian protein culture experienced a lull due to a lack of understanding of the conditions for its mass cultivation, and then a strong flowering (in 1930), which was facilitated by the scientist N. I. Vavilov.

Soy is the most widely used in America. Perhaps partly due to President B. Franklin, who sent it to the famous American botanist from England, partly due to its cultivation for technical oil by Henry Ford. Be that as it may, today soy plantations occupy 40% of the world's sown area in the United States and the first place among all legumes in the world.

In Japan, the government encourages farmers to grow soybeans along with rice because of the high profitability of soybean production. If we compare the protein content of soybeans, its nutritional capacity with meat equivalents and grains, it turns out that soybeans exceed the nutritional value of the first by 5 times, and the second by 3.5 times.

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