Partially replacing red or processed meat with plant-based protein could extend life and mitigate climate change

Recently, researchers from McGill University in Canada published a research paper titled: Partial substitutions of animal with plant protein foods in Canadian diets have synergies and trade-offs among nutrition, health and climate outcomes in the Nature sub-journal Nature Food.

The new study provides compelling evidence that partially replacing animal protein foods with plant proteins can extend lifespan and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the study showed that these benefits depended on the type of animal protein being replaced (red and processed meats, but not dairy, should be replaced).

For the study, the team extracted data from a national nutrition survey and analyzed Canadians' dietary records. The study simulated partial replacement of red and processed meat or dairy products with plant-based protein foods (such as nuts, seeds, legumes, tofu and fortified soy drinks) and combined nutritional, health and climate outcomes.

Red and processed meats and dairy products are major sources of diet-related greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, which has been confirmed in previous studies. Notably, the study found that when people replaced half of their red and processed meat intake with plant-based protein foods, their diet-related Carbon Footprint, a measure of an individual, organization, product or countrys The indicator of carbon dioxide emissions directly or indirectly caused within a certain period of time) will plummet by 25%. Alternative dairy products, on the other hand, show smaller carbon footprint reductions, up to 5%.

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