Research shows that plant protein intake can improve sleep quality, while increasing animal protein intake can worsen sleep quality

A recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has attracted widespread attention, indicating that there is a positive correlation between plant protein and improved sleep quality, while animal protein intake may have a negative impact on sleep quality.

A good night's sleep is necessary for a healthy life. Changes in metabolic rate, blood circulation, hormonal secretion, and immune regulatory functions occur during sleep, all of which are necessary to maintain homeostasis in the body. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep per day to reduce the risk of chronic disease and death. However, in recent decades, significant reductions in sleep duration have been reported in the general population, with many people reporting difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep and waking up multiple times during the night and early morning.

There has also been an increase in the prevalence of sleep disorders and diseases, which may lead to increased daytime dysfunction and the incidence of multiple chronic diseases. Poor diet quality, characterized by higher intakes of saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods, can impair sleep quality and duration. Studies have provided mixed results regarding the effects of protein intake on sleep quality, which may be due to varying ratios of specific amino acids in different protein sources.

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