Human "Guide to Eating Beans": Soybeans, a good partner for a healthy life

Soybeans are rich in protein, calcium, folic acid, fiber, vitamins and other nutrients. The protein contained in soybeans is 2 times that of meat, 4 times that of eggs, and 12 times that of milk. The protein contained in soybeans is a high-quality protein with the advantages of low fat, zero cholesterol, and high fiber. It is not only suitable for ordinary people, but also an excellent source of high-quality protein for fitness enthusiasts and people with high blood pressure. 

Six benefits of soybeans.

1. Prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

A study in the "Journal of Nutrition" showed that soy protein can reduce adults' low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 3% to 4%, which can play a significant role in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Beans are particularly rich in potassium. Each 100 grams of edamame contains up to 478 mg of potassium, which has a positive effect on lowering blood pressure.

2. Protect liver

The B vitamins and cysteine ​​in soy products such as tofu and bean sprouts can speed up the body's metabolism of substances, promote their conversion into energy, help repair liver cells, and prevent fatty liver. It can also reduce the adverse effects of alcohol on the liver.

3. Prevent osteoporosis

Soy isoflavones have the effect of bidirectionally regulating human estrogen, which is very beneficial to menopausal women in preventing osteoporosis. Men also have estrogen in their bodies, and soy isoflavones are equally important for the balance of estrogen in men.

Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that eating tofu, soybeans and other plant protein-rich foods can reduce a woman's risk of premature menopause by 60%. A study published in the medical journal JAMA found that women who undergo premature menopause have a 50% increased risk of coronary heart disease, an 11% increased chance of dying from a heart attack, and a 12% increased risk of premature death.

4. Regulate blood lipids

Although soybeans contain fat, they are mainly unsaturated fatty acids. Soybeans play a positive role in regulating blood lipids, clearing blood clots, and regulating human immune function.

Dr. Jiaqi Huang from the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and colleagues analyzed the life data of 416,104 people who participated in the National Institutes of Health's AARP Diet and Health Research Program and found that energy per 1,000 kcal A 10g increase in plant protein intake can reduce the risk of all-cause death in men by 12% and in women by 14%.

This large cohort study shows that increasing plant protein intake significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. "Our study provides new evidence that changes in protein sources in the diet can promote health and longevity," the researchers said.

5. Increase gastrointestinal motility

Every 100 grams of soybeans can provide 15.5 grams of dietary fiber. The main component of the okara produced when making soy milk is dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can delay food absorption, improve intestinal flora, increase gastrointestinal motility, make people feel full for a longer period of time, and help inhibit the rise in blood sugar.

6. Fight cancer

Studies show that moderate intake of legumes can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women, prostate cancer and stomach cancer in men.

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A good helper for regulating blood lipids - soybeans

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