48% of Spanish Consumers Reduced Meat Intake in Favor of Plant-Based Diets

A recent survey by ProVeg International revealed new trends in Spanish consumersacceptance of plant-based diets. The survey aims to provide insight into the current landscape of plant-based product consumption and provide insights to the food industry and relevant stakeholders.

Spain, as the fourth largest plant-based food market in Europe, with sales of nearly 500 million euros from 2020 to 2022, occupies an important position in the plant-based food industry. The results of this survey show that nearly 48% of Spanish meat consumers said they reduced their meat intake last year, of which 16% reduced their meat intake by 50% or more, and 32% reduced their meat intake by less than 50%. . In particular, the consumption of beef and pork has declined most significantly.

Most respondents said the main motivation for reducing their consumption of meat and animal-derived dairy products was health concerns (47%), followed by animal welfare (30%) and environmental protection (23%). It is worth noting that although the proportion of Spanish consumers reducing meat consumption has reached 48%, compared with other European countries, such as Germany or the Netherlands, this proportion is still lower than the average (51%), suggesting that Spain is reducing meat consumption. There is still a lot of potential in animal meat consumption.

The survey also found that about 25% of Spaniards consider themselves flexitarians, 4% as vegetarians, 1% as pescatarians and 1% as vegans. In terms of accepting plant-based alternatives, 52% of Spaniards expressed their willingness to replace animal foods with beans, 42% were willing to try plant-based dairy products, and 37% were open to plant-based meat.

Price and lack of information were cited as major barriers to purchasing plant-based products, with 41% and 29% of respondents respectively stating they were affected by this. Despite this, 65% of Spanish consumers prefer to buy plant-based products in supermarkets, while 39% choose to buy them in discount stores such as Aldi or Lidl. Among them, plant milk and plant meat have the largest demand.



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