New research shows that a plant-based diet may help slow down the aging process in women

 A plant-rich diet may help women slow down the biological aging process and effectively reduce chronic inflammation levels in the body, according to a new study. The study, conducted by Northern Arizona University, the Nutrition Research Foundation and epigenetics company TruDiagnostic, focused on the potential benefits of a "Nutritarian" diet. This eating pattern emphasizes foods rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, such as vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The study looked at 48 women who followed a Nutritarian diet for more than five years and compared them with 49 women who ate a diet that focused on processed foods, red meat and high sugar and fat. Researchers used advanced DNA testing to track markers of aging and inflammation in the body and analyze the impact of these different dietary patterns on cellular health.

Research results suggest that long-term adherence to such a plant-based diet may have a significant effect on slowing the aging process and controlling inflammation. This is consistent with a previous Stanford twin study, which found that a vegan diet improved certain markers of cellular aging in just eight weeks. In addition, an eight-year study in Taiwan covering nearly 13,000 people also found that a healthy plant-based diet can help delay the biological aging process of the human body.



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